Axis Mundi, Gerald Laing

Winged Figure from Axis Mundi
by Gerald Laing (1990)

Gerald Laing (1936 - 2011) was not only at the forefront of Pop art and more minimalist sculpture, but he created some of the best public sculpture in this country and beyond. At the moment we've got the top winged figure from 'Axis Mundi' in the gallery. In the original Edinburgh sculpture (1990), another four figures fly up to meet this highest angel and its base, 35 foot below, four bowl sundials occasionally work in the Edinburgh gloom.

Axix Mundi is one of Laing finest public works, connecting with something deeper - the sun, the heavens and the ground - the world's Axis Mundi, the cosmic axis.

This winged figure stands of a pyramid with the ancient magical early Christian palindrome, the sator square, on all four sides.

R  O  T  A  S
O  P  E  R  A
T  E  N  E  T
A  R  E  P  O
S  A  T  O  R

Sometimes words are sculptural too.

One angel, two devils. Myself and Ruth Tauber with the Winged Figure.

Gerald Laing at Kilmorack Gallery
